I am writing you to urge you to not sponsor H.R. 875 and to ask you to convince Oregon Congressman Peter Defazio to drop his co-sponsorship of this bill. This bill known as the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 is just another attempt by large agribusiness to shut down non-Genetically Modified farming and put organic and family farms out of business. This bill was basically written by Monsanto, Cargill, Tysons, ADM and the other large agricultural-industrial corporations. The bills sponsor Rosa Delauro (D-CT) is married to Stanley Greenberg does corporate polling and research for Monsanto. Oregon is leading the cause of organic farming and farmer's markets, if this bill passes it is going to place severe restrictions small local farms and farmer's markets by instituting Federal fees, registrations, and all but requires farmers to use pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified seeds. If Oregon wants to continue to lead the way on sustainability we need our politicians to fight against the power of large agribusiness and stop the wolf in sheep's clothing that is the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009.
Thank you for your time.