Thursday, February 12, 2009

Darwin Day

This is what I wrote in regards to a story on today.

It disgusts me to see how you try to balance the argument on evolution. The same thing is happening with evolution that happened with global climate change. 99.9999% of scientists, you know the people who do the actual science, say that evolution happens and that it isn't just a theory like something you came up with on your drive to work. Science and scientists made a decision on evolution years and years ago and they said it happens. Yet the media continues to make it appear that scientists are in disagreement, much like they did with global warming. The appalling thing is that evolution has been the foundation for the biological sciences and modern medicine for much longer than global warming has been around but it is treated more disgracefully in the media than climate change, which hasn't had a scientific consensus for nearly as long. I would like for CNN to stop trying to give equal share to both sides of the evolution debate. The scientists have spoken, give them their due.

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