Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One more reason why conservatives are douchebags and morons, as if there weren’t enough already

U.S. Representative Bill Sali (R-Idaho 1st Congressional District) on the floor of the house, referring to the passing of the increase of the minimum wage:

"As a freshman Congressman, the likely passage of this measure has taught me a new principle: The force of Congress can be brought to bear and justified to suspend those natural laws which would otherwise control important matters. The well-intentioned desire of Congress to help the poor apparently will not be restrained by the rules and principles of the free market that otherwise do restrain American businesses and workers. Apparently, Congress can change the rules that would otherwise affect the affairs of mankind."

"So, Mr. Speaker, I have asked my staff to draft a measure I call the Obesity Reduction and Health Promotion Act. Since Congress will apparently not be restrained by the laws and principles that naturally exist, I propose that the force of gravity by the force of Congress be reduced by 10 percent. Mr. Speaker, that will result in immediate weight loss for every American. It will immediately help reduce obesity problems in America. Weight loss will also help to promote the overall health of Americans as we have been vigilantly advised by our health care."

"Mr. Speaker, I thank this body for the education I have received from the passage of this bill. Since the basis for the use of Congress's power is the same with both measures, I would also ask that everyone who is supporting the measure before us consider becoming an original cosponsor of the Obesity Reduction and Health Promotion Act, and I have a copy."

"So much for the decorum of Congress."

First off, reducing gravity only reduces weight, it does not reduce obesity, obesity is the measure of fat content in a persons body. If you reduce gravity that makes people lighter and affords them to have less muscle mass and more fat. It makes you less healthy, that's why astronauts have to exercise 3-4 hours a day. If you wanted to make people healthier you could increase gravity a little.

Second, Free Markets are NOT based on Natural Laws. Free markets are a badly constructed human economic policy. Their inventor Adam Smith even claimed that they would eventually fail because you can't expect constant growth forever. A Natural Law is something that occurs naturally in nature and does not change throughout the universe, such as Newton's Three Laws of Motion. Laws of motion are applicable to anywhere in the known universe and even anti-matter is subject to Newton's Laws.

Thirdly, there is no decorum in the house or senate because of people like you, so, so much for decorum indeed douchebag.

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