Obama is a Socialist, a supporter of domestic terrorism, and destroying the fabric of democracy in America by working with groups like ACORN. How can Republicans be so ignorant and forgetful of not only the history of the United States, but of their very own pasts.
The McCain campaigns newest attack is that Obama is a Socialist because he wants to "spread the wealth around". First off this country has always spread the wealth around, not only has this country done it but every country ever you can't have a functioning society without spreading out the wealth. Roads and infrastructure, police and military, all of these are provided by taxation, which spreads the wealth around. There are no countries in the world that do not do this. As for Obama spreading the wealth even further just take a look at the tax brackets from the beginning of the century through WWII, when the top tax bracket was between 67% and 79%, while today the top bracket is 33% and Barack wants to only raise it to 39% and only for the top 5% of the population. anyway that's beyond my point. My point is that republicans are huge projectionists. Republicans were behind the $840 billion bailout. John McCain as close as 2005 on Meet the Press explained why people who make more should pay more in taxes. And probably the worst case of projectionism is Sarah Palin who just weeks before she was nominated as VP gave this remark to a journalist Philip Gourevitch of The New Yorker, "we're set up, unlike other states in the union, where it's collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs." She stated that about her states Socialist policy of writing each citizen a check for living in the state, paid for by the oil corporations leasing of oil fields in Alaska. She used to brag about the fact that she raised the amount of wealth spreading in Alaska by $1200 a year, now Barack Obama is the "Redistributionist in Chief"? Shame on you McCain and Palin.
As for Obama supporting domestic terrorism, where to start on the Republican nominees supporting it. Ok, John McCain is friends with Gordon Liddy, who was behind the Watergate burglaries and was sentenced to jail for 20 years for conspiracy, burglary, and illegal wiretapping (although the latter appears to be perfect ok these days). Liddy has also incited violence towards federal officials on many occasions often telling listeners of his radio show that if the ATF comes to your house to disarm you you should shoot them in the head, i'll give you a direct quote because it's more insane that way. Liddy has stated, "Now if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms comes to disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests." ... "They've got a big target on there, ATF. Don't shoot at that, because they've got a vest on underneath that. Head shots, head shots.... Kill the sons of bitches." August 26, 1994. And Obama is the one who is friends with domestic terrorists?!?!
A new claim of Palin's is that Obama is friends with another radical professor who is a terrorist. This new "terrorist pal" of Obama is Rashid Khalidi and he is claimed by Palin to be a former spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization, however Khalidi and the PLO both claim he was not a spokesperson for the PLO. Obama is "pals" with Khalidi because he taught at the same school as Obama and held a couple fundraisers for him. This automatically makes them friends of course, just as sure as John McCain and Sarah Palin having members of the KKK donate to their campaign mean that they are friends with racists and a domestic terrorist organization responsible for countless deaths of Americans. Right? On top of this, John McCain gave Khalidi's Center for Palestine Research and Studies grants worth over $500,000 during the 1990's when he was chairman of the International Republican Institute. So again, maybe they Republicans should check into who they are going to use in their smear campaigns before they start them. By this logic, I would think that McCain is giving money to "terrorists" while Obama
is only taking money from them.
Now let's talk about Sarah Palin and her ties to domestic terrorists. First of her husband was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party (AIP), a secessionist group. I can not think of anything more damaging to this country than trying to rip one of the stars of the flag. She gave a keynote speech at the AIPs convention earlier this year, and telling them to "Keep up the good work"!!! Seriously, "keep up the good work"?!?!? And again Obama is the one "pallin'" domestic terrorists. She should have referred to it as Palin' around cause she is the one who's doing it. At least William Ayers has done something with his life, like be named Citizen of the Year by the City of Chicago in 1997 for all his charitable work. What has the AIP ever done? Oh just try to seceed from the US. Oh and if that isn't enough this is how their founder, Joe Vogler, views America "the fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred of the US government. And I won't be buried under their damn flag....when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home." And Obama is the one who is friends with domestic terrorists?!?! Wow. Just, wow.
Not only does she have ties to domestic terrorists of this country she has ties to domestic terrorists in other countries. I know you've all seen that video of her getting the demons excised form her by that witch hunter priest from Kenya, Thomas Muthee. He got his start in Kenya by coming to a town and claiming that an old lady who lived there was a witch, she was blamed for the illnesses, traffic accidents, and even static on the radio. He convinced the people and police of the town that this old woman was a witch and got an angry mob together to drive her out of town. Targeting people of his own country for no other reason than he believed she was a witch. Wow, that is dumb. Well it doesn't stop there. Muthee after getting rid of Palin's demons then ask god to make sure that she became Governor of Alaska, and Palin actually credits Muthee for helping her win the governorship!!! Insane.
And as for ACORN destroying the fabric of democracy in America, I could go off on that for a long time but I'll just let McCain's words at an SEIU, People for the American Way, UNITE HERE, and ACORN rally speak for him. He said to them that they are "what makes America special". Here is a link to the video.
I don't even know what to say besides, stop saying bad things about other people that you yourself are a prime example of, it blows your case and it's just sad.
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