Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Real Explanation of the Employee Free Choice Act

Ok, so a lot of you have heard or seen commercials that conservatives are running about how democrats want to take away your right to secret ballot elections. First off it's only secret ballot elections for unions, most people have probably heard that. Second, it's only for the first election that determines whether or not employees want a union and thirdly it's only taking away a secret ballot election if a majority of employees have already signed check cards, check cards being the cards that people sign saying that they want to start a union. The secret ballot elections are still held if less than 50% (majority) and more than 30% have signed check cards. If over 50% of the employees have signed check cards that shows that they want a union, so there is no need for a secret ballot election, this Act is just taking out one step so that it is easier for people to start unions.

So like most of you already thought, those douchebag conservatives are up to something tricky when they claim that democrats are taking away your right to secret ballots. It's not an out and out lie, it's a word twisting, taking things out of context lie. Figures, those jerky assholes.

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